What to Expect at Everland Theme Park, South Korea

We were a group of grown women so it didn’t really seem like a theme park was the best place to visit. However, despite the decidedly family-oriented and child-centric theme of EVERLAND THEME PARK in Korea, we found ourselves having a really good time.

Leah, Zol and I enjoyed a day at Everland

Every season, EVERLAND changes the park’s overall decor. We visited in spring and we were greeted by thousands upon thousands of beautiful tulips in full bloom. It almost felt like we were in Holland!

Because the flowers were so beautiful, it took us waaaaay too much time just to get through the main entrance of the park. We had so much fun taking pictures of the flowers and all of the spring-themed installations.

At the center of the entrance plaza stood a beautiful tree. When we visited, it was in full bloom and decorated with a myriad of colors. since this tree also changes according to the seasons, it made me curious about how it would look if it wasn’t spring.

The Everland Tree

Once we were able to pry ourselves away from the flowers, we visited Panda World. l don’t know about you, but I am perpetually fascinated by these gentle creatures. There were several grown pandas on display in Everland. Some were fast asleep while others were lazily lounging around. The cutest one was a panda that was happily munching on eucalyptus leaves while hundreds of tourists observed. Kinda reminds me of my food blogging adventures. Haha.

This panda was having a very slow day. He just lounged around on his bamboo deck.
Who knew watching a panda eat could be so enjoyable?

After seeing the pandas, we went down the hill to see safari world. Fair warning, Everland is built upon rolling hills. There will be a lot of steep walking. I felt so bad for all the parents who were carrying young children or pushing strollers.

At the bottom of one of the hills, you can find Safari World. There is a ride on an amphibious vehicle that lets visitors go up close and personal to animals in semi-open enclosures. There were flamingos, giraffes, elephants and other exotic animals.

After enjoying SAFARI WORLD, we had time to ride the AMAZON EXPRESS. As the name suggests, this is a river ride that involves eight-seater inflatables. Everyone gets tossed around in a flowing river that inevitably gets you slightly wet. Since it was spring, it was kind of cold after we got splashed by some water. We were not soaked but those who were seated at the wrong part of the inflatable can end up with wet shoes or butt. Haha.

We didn’t have time to try out more of the harrowing rides like roller coasters and the like. Frankly, we were too tired to keep walking to other parts of the park. I tell you, this place isn’t for the weak. There’s so much walking on inclines. Be prepared for a decent workout.

See the video below to see scenes from our visit. I am hoping to come back at another time to check out the rest of the place.