Travel Tips: Avoid Smelling Like a Burnt-Out Backpacker With SMELL CHIC

Anyone who knows me or has been following me for a while knows that I travel a lot. Even though I have been doing it for a long time, I take pride in always travelling in comfort and style while avoiding overspending and extravagance. I’m a firm believer that one can be worldly without having to burn money. There’s always a balance that can be achieved.

I see no point in suffering a long, hot walk if you can afford to get a comfortable air-conditioned ride. The same principle applies when it comes to food and accommodations. There’s no point in going to Paris if you will only eat stale crackers and instant noodles with the backpackers in your hostel right?

Personal hygiene is also a TOP PRIORITY when I travel. Laundry and showers are NEVER compromised. Clean and fresh-smelling linen is also non-negotiable. In my recent series of trips that lasted more than a month, I had the good sense of bringing some newly-discovered products from local brand SMELL CHIC. 

The first leg of my trip took me to Puerto Princesa City in Palawan, Philippines. While there, I did the usual island hopping tours in the mornings. I spent my lazy afternoons by the pool at Astoria Palawan.

Whenever I travel, I like taking bottles of liquid soap with me. The reason behind this is that I don’t like wasting a half-used bar of soap since I can’t finish it in a week-long trip. I hate the hassle of packing a used bar of soap after it’s already gotten wet.

Smell Chic Liquid Soap

I used the BEACH AURA liquid soap from SMELL CHIC and it proved to be a real treat. It helped me feel like a million bucks even after lounging in the sun and sand all day and eating lots of seafood with my hands.

The scent is reminiscent of the classic perfume “Cool Water” by Davidoff.  The brand offers other scents that purposely remind you of some of the most popular perfumes by top brands. Despite smelling luxe, a bottle of liquid soap or body wash costs only a fraction of what you would pay for imported products.

Body Wash/ Liquid Soap (500ml @ PHP379), (250ml @ PHP259), (100ml @129)

Speaking of nasty smelling fingers, I flew to Canada and the United States shortly after Palawan. While there, I spent most of my days trying out as many restaurants as I possibly could. While some of them are fancy-schmancy, I also went to a lot of farmer’s markets and bazaars.

I ate a lot of street snacks like hotdogs, kebabs, pastries and a myriad of other treats. It’s not always easy to find a place to wash your hands. Luckily, I had a bottle of SMELL CHIC hand sanitizer in my purse.

Amazing street snacks in New York City
Hand Sanitizer PHP99.00

Apart from the need to keep my hands clean, I also needed to keep my clothes smelling fresh. Because it’s autumn transitioning into winter, my friends and I were always fully decked-out in our heavy coats, scarves, hats and gloves. If you’re out having Korean Barbecue, standing near an outdoor meat smoker or getting in the subway all in one day, you can bet that all those smells are going to stick.

Apart from having smokers in the group and spending a lot of time inside coffee shops, we would always tease each other about smelling kinda nasty at the end of the day. No matter how careful you are, you will end up smelling like a burnt-out backpacker at some point. My bottle of SMELL CHIC linen spray came in handy.

At the end of the day, all of my outerwear and accessories were sprayed down with the scent of freshly-cut bamboo. Everything was ready for action again the next day.

Linen Spray (500ml @ PHP479), (250ml @ PHP359), (100ml @ PHP179)

Because I’m very sensitive to smells, I also spray down my bed whenever we move to a new hotel or airbnb. From now on, the whole range of SMELL CHIC products will be on my list of must-have travel essentials.

If you want to try them out too, visit their Facebook Page to find out where to order: