Fall Watching at Dundas Peak, Hamilton, Ontario | Ish Meets Canada

Less than 24 hours after landing in Canada in late October, my friend Belle and I drove out to Hamilton to catch some fall foliage. I was afraid that I won’t make it to Canada in time to see the beautiful changing colors. Luckily, autumn came a bit late this year and there were still a lot of green trees when I arrived.

I was lucky enough to catch the foliage gradually change from a vibrant green to the warm yellow, red and brown hues of this beautiful season. First on the agenda was a hike up to Dundas Peak. It’s about an hour-long drive from the center of the city but it was totally worth it.

Tews Falls

The trail led us quickly to Tews Falls. It’s a 41 meter drop to the basin but at this time of the year, there isn’t much precipitation in the area so there wasn’t a lot of water coming down from the mountain.

Nevertheless, it was a nice intro towards the rest of the hike. Right from the top of the falls, I could already see the yellow foliage that was slowly overcoming the greenery.

As we started walking up the mountain, the enchanting trails became enveloped by the colors that I was looking for. The rustic dirt path and wooden bridges provided the perfect woodland atmosphere that appeared to only be possible in paintings and fairytales with lost Princesses.

The tranquility was disturbed by the occasional group of tourists such as myself, or the lone local out for a run. However, the place was anything but crowded. It felt more like a leisurely stroll rather than a hike.

Every few steps offered the perfect background for an amazing photo. Without even realizing it, we were already near the peak itself. From there, the full majesty of the colorful canopy can be admired.

The view was magnificent and several people took some risks to get a great shot right on the edge of the cliff. There aren’t any barricades to mess up your photo but make sure that you exercise caution while posing for the perfect shot.

Overall, it was the perfect introduction to many more amazing sights and sounds from autumn in Canada. Stay tuned to see more photos from the other places that I’m visiting during this trip!

Photos: (c) Belle Abarrientos